Toitu / Team Leader
Kia ora, Ko Peaario Bradbeer taku ingoa.
Originally from Samoa, I emigrated with my parents when I was a young girl. I grew up in Porirua, Wellington and now call Auckland, Aotearoa my home.
Nursing has been my profession for many years now and I have strived to gain postgraduate qualifications towards working as a Nurse Practitioner in Child health. As under the United Nations convention on the rights of the child (U.N.C.R.O.C, 1989), the knowledge that all children are entitled to the best possible healthcare regardless of background, are values that underpin my nursing practice.
Toi Tu Kids Service (TTKS) at Te Hononga o Tamaki me Hoturoa, is a joint initiative with General Paediatricians and Starship Community, Te Whatu Ora. Maori, Pacific and other vulnerable children are referred from Starship Community and offered a comprehensive physical and health assessment that addresses identifying and supporting these health needs in the community. As tamariki or rangatahi are part of a larger whanau, our approach is whanau-centric and we work with Paediatricians, GP’s, Social agencies, schools, government and community organisations, to deliver a plan of care that works with and for the whanau.