Tumu Whakarae / CEO
I te taha o tōku papa ko Rakaumangamanga tōku maunga, ko Ipipiri te moana, Ko Ngātokimatawhāorua te waka
I te taha o tōku mama ko Tawhitirahi te Maunga, ko Parengarenga te awa, ko Māmari te waka
Ko wai ahau, Ko Marion Hakaraia tōku ingoa
He uri nō Ngapuhi ko Te Aupouri
Tīhei mauri ora
My journey in health through Hoani Waititi Marae and Te Piki Ora. Te Piki Ora under the leadership of Whaea Mate Tepu, Matua Don Rameka, Dr Pita Sharples and my mother Tuini Hakaraia, nominated me as their Community Health worker to the Area Health Board in the late 80’s.
It is also been a privilege to work alongside great leaders such as Waireti Walters and Denis Snelgar, Haki Wihongi, John Tamihere, Colin Tukuitonga, Dame Naida Glavish, Matua Brian Joyce and many others.
I hope that I have taken their words of wisdom along my journey with the West Auckland Area Health Board, Te Whānau o Waipareira Trust, Waipareira Pasifika, Auckland District Health Board and now Te Hononga o Tamaki me Hoturoa.
Our vision working with Māori is the same as it was in the late 80’s where Māori have Tino Rangatiratanga to health and wellbeing as determined for by and with Māori.
I am pleased to be able to work with a committed Board that provides a vision, and mission that wants to achieve rangatiratanga in health. I appreciate and commend the senior leaders and their dedication and professionalism as they lead their teams who believe in their work and who we can trust in their mahi with whānau.
Most importantly, we have the pleasure of working for the many whānau that reach out for our services and it is our desire that in the future you will be part of design of our health and wellbeing service.
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