Brian Emery, MA Bus Admin, has 20+ years of senior management roles with College for the Blind, PTE Te Kotahitanga Kokiri Inc, Manager of Hato Paora Hostel, Tuia Services Māori Mental Health Middlemore Hospital, Group Manager Māori Health Counties Manukau DHB, board member of Te Kupenga o Hoturoa, founding board member Te Roopu Taurima, then Quality and Risk Manager and later GM Support Services. A management consultant with MoH and Children’s Health Camps. As an auditor, surveyor, team leader for Quality Health NZ, and HDANZ he has audited 170 health organisations for quality and risk standards. Currently, he is involved with two Waitangi Tribunal claims, one as a named claimant Anne Marie Kendall QSM Born in Mokai (Raukawa Ki Waikato), Papakura resident for forty years.