Team Lead / Mataora Services
Tēnei taku manu ka topa, ka tiu i runga i ngā tihi tapu o Whakapunake me Hikurangi.
Ka hōkai atu ra ki ngā wai tūhonohono o Wairoa Hōpūpū Hōnengenenge Mātangi Rau me Waiapu.
E rere kōpikopiko ana ki te papa kāinga o ōku mātua, ōku tīpuna ki Aranui me Whakapaurangi.
E, ko Takitimu, ko Horouta! E, ko Ngāti Kahungunu, ko Ngāti Porou te tū ake nei.
E, ko Ngāti Peehi, ko Te Aowera e mihi atu nei.
I te taha o tōku pāpā nō Ingarangi, nō Airani, nō Itāria ōku tīpuna.
Ko Andria Vagana ahau.
E rere, e rere āku pekī hei whakamihi ki a koutou katoa.
Kia ora!
I am 1 of 3 Mataora here at Te Hononga o Tāmaki me Hoturoa, together we form Ue Rongo and carry the Mahi a Atua Kaupapa out into the hāpori providing therapeutic feedback informed wānanga with whānau. We feel extremely privileged to hold this space with whānau supporting them on their journey to their Te Ao Mārama (a world of life & light) in ways defined by them.
We do things a little differently bringing our own pūkenga-super powers into this space along with those of the whānau and engage in a collaborative creative process… kia whāia te hinātore!