Oranga ki Tua

Helping you take control of your health and well-being

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Oranga ki Tua is a Whānau Ora Service offered by Te Hononga, a trusted health organization serving the Auckland and Counties Manukau regions.

Our mission is to empower individuals and their whānau to manage and improve their health and well-being. With the support of our skilled Nursing and Lifestyle Coach team, we offer personalized interventions for those at risk or currently living with cardiovascular disease, diabetes, or other long-term conditions.

Nurses – Nēhi 

  • Providing Whānau care with experienced Registered Nurses in adult care 
  • Providing education and support about your health risks and conditions
  • Supporting you to understand and access Health Care Services 
  • Working in partnership with you to set and achieve health and well being goals 

About the Oranga ki Tua team

Camilla Tuivaiti

Oranga ki Tua / Clinical Lead

Jo Makiha

Non-Clinical Team Lead / Quality Lead

Camilla Rawinia Tuivaiti, a proud member of Ngāti Rangiwewehi, Te Arawa, Ngāti Whakaue, Te Arawa, and Te Kāhui o Taranaki iwi, serves as the Clinical Lead for Te Hononga’s Oranga ki Tua Whānau Ora Service. With her nursing expertise, Camilla leads a dedicated team of health professionals who share a passion for providing equitable health outcomes for all Whānau Māori in Tamaki Makaurau. Our skilled Nursing and Lifestyle Coach team offers personalized interventions for individuals and their whānau at risk or living with cardiovascular disease, diabetes, or other long-term conditions. Together, they create a nurturing environment that supports whānau in their journey towards improved health and self-management.


  • Reside within the Auckland and Counties Manukau regions
  • Be 16 years and over (under 16s can be referred to child/youth Toi Tu)
  • Be at risk or currently living with cardiovascular disease/diabetes (ALL Māori and Pacific meet CV risk by target ethnicity. Other individuals according to CV risk screening or disease)
  • May have a long-term condition such as COPD, Asthma, CVD, or Diabetes
  • Have the ability to improve and become self-managing of health and well-being with Nursing and/or Lifestyle Coach intervention
  • Have discussed and obtained consent from the individual client for referral to this service
  • Referrals can come from General Practice, other health professionals, community groups, whānau, or be self-referred.

Kua tawhiti kē to haerenga mai, kia kore e haere tonu.
He nui rawa o mahi, kia kore e mahi tonu.

You have come too far not to go further, you have done too much not to do more.

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