Mana Kidz / Covid Repsonse / Team Leader
Uia mai koia whakahuatia ake ko wai te whare nei ko Waimanoni
Ko wai te rangatira o runga ko Muriwhenua
Kei aku nui, kei aku rahi, kei aku whakatiketike ki te rangi.
Ka tu ahau ki te tihi tapu o Puheke,
Ka huri aku kamo ki ngā wai makariri o ōku mātua tipuna ko Rangaunu
Ka hoki taku kei ki taku āhuru mōwai ki Waimanoni,
Koira te kōrero nō Te Aupouri Ngā Puhi nui tonu
Nei ra ko Kurahaupo e ngunguru nei, nei ra ko Ngai Takoto, Te Aupouri ko Ngāti Kuri e whakatau nei
Kia ora!
I am the Team Lead for both Haumanu Ora – Covid Response/Vaccination Outreach and ManaKidz.
I have a passion for Māori health and everything Te Ao Māori entails and work as a Registered Nurse Prescriber in Primary Health & Specialty Teams.
My professional experience includes GP practise, Marae-based Hauora, and School Base-Health Services for children and rangatahi.
Our teams have the privilege of working with our community and Whānau to provide hauora Māori services that allow them to have their own rangatiratanga and determine their own health needs that work best for their Whānau.
We are a lively group of Nurses and Hauora Kaimahi, each with our own distinct flair to bring to the kaupapa!!!
Help us improve our services by taking a quick survey. Your input will make a difference, and you’ll be helping us serve you better.